The Truth Behind George Santos’ Fake Success
“I am not a criminal, this will not deter me from having good legislative success. I will be good.”
After being elected for New York’s 3rd congressional district, George Anthony Santos was exposed for his lies. Even though he did not steal money or rob a jewelry store, Santos lied about more than just his identity.
Santos lied about working with companies like Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, lied about studying at Baruch a college in New York, claimed he founded and ran a charity that saved more than 2,500 dogs and cats but several people never received the money Santos raised on their end. Many more lies have been surfacing by the day.
Taking a role with this position can come with many responsibilities, and unfortunately his poor choices and his ability to be considerate of what this may cost him puts him in a very sticky situation. Back in 2013 Ed Uravic, author of Lying Cheating Scum Told CNN, “Every president has not only lied sometimes, but needs to lie to be efficient.”
Now although Santos isn’t running for president, he is representing a 3rd congressional district and plays a similar role when it comes to being honest and truthful.
After getting caught with his lies, Santos first denied some of these allegations but eventually came clean about everything. According to NBC News, he told reporters he is not considering leaving office.
According to a 3rd Congressional district poll taken on Tuesday 78% voters want him gone, including 89% of democrats and 71% of republicans but 13% want Santos to stay.
Although a large number of people want him out of office, Santos carelessly claims if the 142,000 voters who elected him in November vote him out he will resign.
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Roger wilcox • May 3, 2023 at 3:14 pm
He is a scum bag.