Astrology Isn’t Real

Is astrology real or just something people made up to feel a sense of reinsuresents? Astrology isn’t real and has been rejected by the scientific community as there is no correlation between how the stars line up to current events in the human world. “Scientific testing of the ‘Astrology theory’ found no evidence to support the premises or purported effects outlined in the astrological traditions”. Astrology is just an ancient belief system that claims to influence human world affairs and personality traits with the assumption of the celestial bodies.

However, there is much evidence against astrology proving that it isn’t accurate at all. Did everyone from the tragic events of 9/11 have the same astrological reading? Because if astrology was actually real, there would have been astrologers crowing about it all over the place. Astrology is also just based on celestial bodies which are stars and planets.

With that being said, if there is no academic training to make an “assessment or reading astrology can’t be very important then, and even if people don’t need academic training to understand it, why do professionals make so many errors when it comes” to reading and assessment? If it is true, why are there so many errors in the reading and prediction?

We should not believe something that is not real, such as astrology. Much evidence leads to the fact that astrology is not real. Offline time when asking astrologers about their training, education, and methodology why they get so upset by it. The basic point of astrology is to predict the future. With that being said, how come astrologers are not rich based on their very profitable skills.

While astrology holds cultural and historical significance, it falls short of meeting the standards of science and facts. It also ignores new information about the stars and mixes up connections with causes. To truly understand ourselves and the world, we should rely on evidence and facts rather than the lining of stars and planets.

Some information obtained from:,predictions%2C%20it%20has%20been%20falsified.