Why should college be free?

Many members of the middle and  lower classes have difficulty paying for college. The middle class and lower class struggle to obtain the necessary funds to be able to afford college for their children, whereas those in the upper class have no trouble paying for it. No matter how wealthy or poor they are, I believe it would be fair if all classes of people could attend college for free.

College being free improves our society. This is because if more people are educated, they can solve problems better. People with education can also understand their society’s past and present economic conditions better. They might therefore be more motivated to engage in politics and advance their nation. Additionally, the number of people who are employable for high-skilled jobs rises as more people have access to a college education. The number of people entering the labor force will increase as a result, which may help close the income gap between the upper, medium, and lower groups.

A change in the workforce results from advancements in technology. Low-skilled people are being replaced by automation in most sectors. Back-office work and other jobs that require repetition are becoming rapidly automated. Automation, however, is not intended to completely replace labor. Instead, most economies now demand a more skilled workforce, including individuals with strong analytical and creative thinking skills. College education teaches and sharpens these abilities. The workforce would grow if more individuals could attend college for free.

Most students leave school with a sizable debt. For instance, the average student loan debt in the United States is $31,172 per individual. Students who graduate with debt are likely to keep accruing interest on their debt. As a result, it may take them many years to finally be able to escape their seemingly endless debt. This postpones spending on things like a house or car in the interim. On the other hand, if someone were to graduate debt-free, it may hasten their ability to make money, put it away, and spend it. This promotes economic growth. There is increased demand as consumer spending rises. Higher demand for goods and services also translates into more opportunities for employment or a higher demand for labor. This promotes a prosperous economic cycle. Furthermore, students may completely avoid going to school due to their fear of debt. However, if debt weren’t a reality, the younger generation might be more inclined to enroll in school.

In conclusion, allowing everyone to receive a free college education will benefit society, promote education, strengthen the economy, and increase equality. This will be advantageous for all parties involved and for society as a whole, which is what really counts. The better educated the population, the fewer difficulties there will be since everyone will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to address the majority of issues that arise in daily life.