Manchester High School students discouraged after Homecoming tickets sell out

When Manchester High Schools Homecoming tickets sold out, many students were disappointed. During the transition between first and second lunch wave students’ were told by security that all the tickets were sold out and how they needed to get out of line immediately.
Homecoming is typically held inside of the high school cafeteria, restricting the capacity limit to 550 students. For that reason, many students faced the news that they couldn’t partake in the Homecoming dance. The organizer of the dance was Lynn Wabble, the student activities coordinator. When asked if Homecoming could be held in the school gym Wabble explained that it was a safety concern
“I’ve never held a dance in the school gym and I think no matter if we held it in the gym or the cafeteria it wouldn’t matter because of capacity,” explained Lynn Wabble. “We still have to go by fire marshall’s rules and capacity is capacity.”
Even though capacity was reached and there was a set limit to how many students could attend, this still didn’t stop many of those wanting to attend feeling left out, upset and disappointed.
’’I was upset cause I was looking forward to the months leading up,” Gaby Beaz, a senior at MHS shared. “I asked someone out to Homecoming and then I was hit with a boom ‘you can’t go to Homecoming.’ It was like ‘are you kidding me.’ This was [sic] my last year at the school.”
Gaby wasn’t the only student that was upset. Many students who attended Homecoming left early; they didn’t feel the music and overall didn’t have a good time.
“My experience this year was kinda of mellow or boring. I wanted it to be memorable but I ended up leaving early. I wasn’t that excited to be there,” explained Anyiah Feliz, a senior at MHS. ‘’I left early because I didn’t like the music and there wasn’t a lot of dancing there was just a lot of sitting around and it didn’t seem as fun as it used to be.’’
Despite the Homecoming capacity being reached we shouldn’t expect the same shortage in future events.
“There would definitely never ever ever be [tickets sold out] for any prom. Junior or senior prom,” asserts Lynn Wabble.